How To: Theme TouchWiz on Your Galaxy Note 3 with Android Lollipop

Theme TouchWiz on Your Galaxy Note 3 with Android Lollipop

While the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is sure to get an Android 5.0 Lollipop update, there's no official confirmation on when exactly that will happen (rumors state January). In the meantime, there are a number of ways to get some of Lollipop's features on your KitKat device right now, but today I'll be focusing on the looks with a Lollipop-themed launcher.


Before you can snag the theme, you'll need to knock out all of the following on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

Step 1: Install "SecThemeChooser"

To successfully install the Lollipop theme, you'll need to download SecThemeChooser, from XDA developer xperiacle (who is responsible for many cool Galaxy mods), on your device. It's not currently available in the Xposed Repository online.

  1. Download and unzip
  2. Install the SecThemeChooser.apk
  3. Install the XposedSecThemeChooserModule.apk

Step 2: Activate SecThemeChooser

After everything is downloaded and installed, go to "Modules" section of the Xposed Installer app and check the box next to "SecThemeChooser," then go to the "Framework" tab and "Soft Reboot" your device to activate the module.

Step 3: Install Lollipop Theme

Once your Note 3 boots back up, it's time to install the Lollipop theme for TouchWiz from XDA developer daliborkv.

Step 4: Add the Lollipop Theme to Your Launcher

Now, go to your home screen and press the capacitive menu button on your device. There will be a new option to "Set theme." Tap on it, find the Lollipop theme you just installed, then tap "Apply."

You've now got a Lollipop-themed launcher on TouchWiz, packed with new icons and wallpapers from Android 5.0.

How do you like the Lollipop-themed TouchWiz launcher? Let us know in the comment below, and make sure to hit us up over at Facebook and Twitter, too.

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secthemechooser cannot be parsed...any suggestions?

GO TO Setting --> DEVICE --> Easy MODE and Switch off the EASY Mode.

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