Samsung Features

How To: Memory Full? Optimize the Photos on Your Samsung Galaxy S3 to Free Up Storage Space

While the increasing superiority of smartphone cameras is great, they can be a double-edged sword. Sure, we get great images that are crystal clear, but at what price? Storage space on your devices ends up paying the price for this luxury, filling up quickly due to the high-quality images and their grotesquely large size. Not only that, but most photo editing applications only make it worse. Adding a few filters, changing the hue/saturation, or adding some text across the picture can all incr...

How To: Add On-Screen Buttons to Your TouchWiz ROM (Root Required)

Samsung bucked the trend and threw hard keys onto the Galaxy S3 while most manufacturers are going the soft key route. This hack will add on-screen buttons to your TouchWiz-based ROM. You'll need a root file manager with a system writable text editor—I recommend ES File Explorer for this, but feel free to use whatever you want. If using ES, hit Menu, Settings, go down to Root Settings, and check Root Exploerer, Up to Root, and Mount File System.

How To: The Best Way to Automatically Adjust Screen Brightness on Your Samsung Galaxy S3—Exactly How You Like It

"Ain't No Sunshine" might just be a classic song to you, but for me and my Samsung Galaxy S3, it means so much more. For the most part, my GS3 does a decent job at automatically adjusting the brightness of the screen when I'm in normal lighting, but when I'm in little or no lighting, or there's just way to much, I usually have to switch over to manual to get the right balance. Luckily, we're not stuck with Samsung's built-in auto brightness feature. There are some really good third-party solu...

How To: Get a Feature-Packed, iPhone-Like Lock Screen for Your Galaxy S6 or Other Android Device

With an Android device, you can replace almost any default app with a third-party offering. Don't like your home screen app? Replace it. Tired of the text messaging interface? Upgrade it. The same can be said for Android's lock screen. But while many third-party lock screen apps are available, so far, only one has been designed with the Samsung Galaxy S6 and its fingerprint scanner in mind.

How To: Automatically Silence Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in a Set Location (Or Automate Any Other Task You Want)

Automating tasks on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is nothing new. Everything from adjusting screen brightness, to turning on the flashlight, to saving Snapchat pictures can be done automatically with the help of a few function-specific apps. The only problem with task-specific apps is that you have to download a handful of them to get everything you want, which can quickly add up. Now, thanks to AutomateIt, you can clean up your app drawer on your Note 2 and create loads of custom tasks using ju...

How To: Float Any Widget Above an App on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

When it comes to multitasking, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is the master of all smartphones, thanks to its huge screen size and many features. The phablet's display compliments its multi-window mode, which lets you run two apps simultaneously side by side Another cool feature is floating apps, which makes multitasking even better. So, with all of these cool features, what else could possibly be added to the Note 2's arsenal that it doesn't already have?

How To: Manage All Your Cloud Storage Accounts from One App on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Cloud storage looks pretty good compared to the heavy restrictions that hard drives and other types of external memory carry. The cloud is not only limitless in what it can hold, but it can also easily be accessed from any device that has Internet—your smartphone, work computer, personal laptop, tablet, and more. While accessing a specific cloud storage system like Dropbox or Google Drive may be easy on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2, managing all of them individually can not only get confusing, ...

How To: Keep the Display Off When Receiving a Notification on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

As is the case with most smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2's screen turns on whenever you receive a text or picture message. While having the screen turn on when you receive a notification is handy to have (especially when the phone is on silent), it isn't always preferable. Having your screen turn on for every notification can be quite the distraction, especially at work or school. I find myself watching the screen turn on from the corner of my eye, then rushing over to it and see who t...