How To: Keep the Display Off When Receiving a Notification on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Keep the Display Off When Receiving a Notification on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

As is the case with most smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2's screen turns on whenever you receive a text or picture message. While having the screen turn on when you receive a notification is handy to have (especially when the phone is on silent), it isn't always preferable.

Having your screen turn on for every notification can be quite the distraction, especially at work or school. I find myself watching the screen turn on from the corner of my eye, then rushing over to it and see who texted me (usually it's just my mom).

Not only is it a distraction, but it also drains your battery. With the two combined, having the screen turn on can be a nuisance, so why not just disable it?

Note 2 Mod

Thanks to XDA Developers lbxmobbin_1 and stu5797, you can now disable your phone screen from turning on for every notification on your Galaxy Note 2. Here's how to do it:

  • Download the mod for your carrier (AT&T, Verizon or Sprint).
  • Go to custom recovery.
  • Wipe the cache and dalvik.
  • Flash the zip.

Your screen should now look like the one in the photo below whenever you receive a notification.

Image via

In case you want to revert back to your old settings, make a backup of the SecMms.apk that this zip replaces, or re-flash the ROM.

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Photos by Ubergizmo, Phonedog

1 Comment

This is less a how to and more a "download and install this" I thought maybe there was something in the settings I missed. Thanks for the heads up on this pretty useless mod, but I think I'll just stick with putting my phone face down, and if I'm feeling real crazy, turn on power saving mode for the exact same effect. I'm not opposed to making changes to the phones software -my phone is rooted- but frivolously flashing zip files and uninstalling user caches just so your screen won't light up. .. really?

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