News: Samsung Teases the Galaxy S5 Ahead of Launch

Samsung Teases the Galaxy S5 Ahead of Launch

Samsung released a teaser video today, touting its next flagship Galaxy device, presumably the Galaxy S5. With an official announcement expected on Monday at Mobile World Congress, this video should serve as a final teaser before the big day.

It's...interesting, but we can glean a few nuggets of info. Seems like the dust and waterproof rumors may have been true, as you can see people happily on a sandy beach, slip-n-sliding, and jumping into water.

And then maybe some sort of selective focus camera feature? We know Samsung packs great camera software on their devices, with new and improved features being one of the things I'm most excited about.

Make sure to check out the video for more cryptic insights, and join us Monday for a full recap of Samsung's Unpacked 5 event. I'll just leave you with this one, enjoy!

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