News: The Samsung Galaxy S5 Will Come with Over $500 Worth of Freebies

The Samsung Galaxy S5 Will Come with Over $500 Worth of Freebies

Samsung has announced that their latest flagship device, the Galaxy S5, will ship with over $500 worth of exclusive, pre-paid, and discounted subscriptions from leading mobile content and service providers.

Dubbed Galaxy Gifts, Samsung is hoping to entice new and existing customers to pick up their new device, even if the phone itself is somewhat lackluster compared to previous device upgrades. Samsung's blog has the full breakdown of the gifts included, which include:

  • One year of RunKeeper
  • Six months of MapMyFitness
  • Six months of Skimble
  • One year of Lark
  • $50 PayPal voucher
  • Six month subscription to the Wall Street Journal
  • One year subscription to Bloomberg Businessweek
  • Three months of LinkedIn Premium
  • $10 game credits for Cut the Rope
  • Free paid version of Flick Dat
  • 50GB of storage for six months with Box
  • 50GB of storage for two years with Dropbox
  • 1TB of storage for three months with Bitcasa
  • $5 coupon for Blurb
  • Six month of EasilyDo Pro
  • 3-12 month subscription to Evernote (dependent of geography)

The device is set to be released on April 11th worldwide, and hopefully the fire at one of Samsung's printed curcuit board (PCB) plants doesn't effect that release date.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Gifts photo via Shutterstock

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