How To: Tweak Your Samsung Galaxy S3's Performance with These "Build.prop" Android Hacks

Tweak Your Samsung Galaxy S3's Performance with These "Build.prop" Android Hacks

One of the best things about the Samsung Galaxy S3 is the ability to modify the device in countless ways, as with any other Android device.

A recent guide on adding softkeys to the GS3 from mod Faisal inspired me to share some information on how to edit build.prop, which is your device's "ID Card". It tells applications the specifications of your device, so that apps adjust their interface or function for your specific device.

Editing the build.prop file is most commonly used for changing LCD density, build number, and your device's model or manufacturer. Changing your "fingerprint", model, or manufacturer can trick some apps in the market into becoming compatible with your device.

What You'll Need

  • A rooted Samsung Galaxy S3.
  • A root-capable file explorer. I'll be using ES File Explorer. Make sure to go to Settings, Root Settings, and have all the items checked off.
  • A current nandroid/backup of your device.

Proceed with caution: Attempting to modify and/or overwrite core system files may be detrimental to the function of your device, which could result in lost and unrecoverable data. Make sure to back up your device before continuing with this guide.

Step 1: Open "build.prop"

You'll first need to open up the build.prop file. Open the ES File Explorer app, navigate to the "system" folder, and click on "build.prop".

Then open the file using the app's ES Note Editor.

Step 2: Choose Your Hacks

There are too many hacks and mods that can be unleashed through the build.prop file on your GS3. Below are the major ones; their function in bold, and the line/lines you'll need to add underneath.

  • Fast Reboot


  • Increasing the Video Recording Quality

  • Screen Rotate to 270 Degrees


  • Increase VM Heap Size (Resolve Some FC's)


  • Render UI with GPU


  • Increasing It Will Make Mobile Smoother


  • Video Acceleration Enabled


  • Increase Performance


  • Disable Sending Usage Data


  • Deeper Sleep / Better Battery Life

  • Ringing Will Start Immediately


  • Disable Error Checking

  • Increase Quality of Media Streaming


  • Disable BootAnimation


  • Force Launcher to Remain in Memory


  • Disable Waking Up of Phone by Volume Buttons


  • Off the Proximity Quickly After Call


  • Signal Tweaks

  • NetSpeed Tweaks

net.tcp.buffersize.default=4096,87380,256960,4096, 16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge=4096,87380,256960,4096,163 84,256960

  • Google DNS Tweak


  • Increase Photo and Video Quality

  • Touch Responsiveness


  • Scrolling Responsiveness


  • Power Save Tweaks

  • Disables Debug Icon on Status Bar


  • Faster Scrolling


  • Wi-Fi to Scan Less Frequently


  • Improve Battery When No Signal


  • Frees RAM to Allow Applications to Load Faster (edit existing line)


For extensive information on all of the workings of build.prop, check out this comprehensive guide by Jeff Mixon.

Step 3: Edit build.prop

Now that you've chosen what you want to add to the file, let's edit it. I will add "Touch Responsiveness" and "Scrolling Responsiveness" as an example.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the file.
  • Enter a description for the hack(s) you want to implement by typing "#" and a description.
  • Very carefully input the hack(s) you want to implement.

Once you've entered all of the hacks you want to implement, back out of the editor and save the file when prompted.

Step 4: Reboot and Clean Up

Now that you've edited build.prop, it's time to "activate" the changes you've made.

  • Reboot into recovery. If you do not have this option in your power menu, turn the device all of the way off, and get into recovery by pressing Volume Up + Home + Power.
  • In recovery, you want to Wipe Cache and Wipe Dalvik Cache. This will clear standing caches for your apps so that there are no issues with your new build.prop file.
  • Now go ahead and reboot your device.

Depending on what you added to the file, you may or may not notice any immediate changes. Now that you've done it once, you can play around with different settings. If you're on a custom ROM, check out any hacks your developer may have thrown in.

The possibilities are vast and you now have a glimpse into the amazing level customization available for our devices.

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Cover photo by machu.


can anyone help?
after applying these:
Fast Reboot
Increase VM Heap Size (Resolve Some FC's)
Render UI with GPU
Video Acceleration Enabled
Increase Performance
Deeper Sleep / Better Battery Life
Ringing Will Start Immediately
Increase Quality of Media Streaming
Off the Proximity Quickly After Call
Signal Tweaks
NetSpeed Tweaks
Touch Responsiveness
Power Save Tweaks
Faster Scrolling
Wi-Fi to Scan Less Frequently
Improve Battery When No Signal
Frees RAM to Allow Applications to Load Faster

now i can't seem to open the widgets menu properly
every time i try to scroll through the widget menu or add a widget from the first page, it just force closes on me

hey,i've tried out some hacks like the performance upgrade and the fast boot but i cant see any sure im doing it right because i disabled boot up animation and it worked. whats happening?

It's probably just that you can't see the difference right away.

When I try saving the build.prop, it tells me something went wrong and it doesn't save the file. I have given ES file explorer root access...

What is the exact error? Can you post a screenshot?

if you are getting errors you have to go to system root / system then click the lock icon. and make sure you unlock it. once you do that then press and hold the build.prop and then open with text editor. then it will save your changes on fs file explorer

hi im new at this but when im going to the root folder it says empty folder what should i do ?

That's not possible, are you sure you're in the right folder? Can you post a screenshot please?

excuse me..but wheres the system root??
i dont know where to find it..

Are you rooted? What file explorer are you using?

make sure you are on root explorer mode then mount r/w an select rw for both worked and saved for me after same error issue!

S3 go's faster

How long does it take to download after you reboot? Cuz mine has this downloading screen for like twenty minutes now

My s3 has gotten to a stage that takes upto 5 minutes to open contacts. Anyone with optimization ideas?

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