How To: Select All Contacts with Just One Tap in Snapchat's Android App

Select All Contacts with Just One Tap in Snapchat's Android App

While having a ton of friends on Snapchat does wonders to stroke my ego, sending content to all of them at once becomes a hassle when I have to go one by one, checking each contact individually.

Snapchat has yet to implement a 'select all' option on the contacts list, so here's how to do it yourself on your Android device using SnapAll from developer dapaintballer331.

SnapAll is an Xposed module, so that means you will need to have a rooted Android device with the Xposed Framework installed in order to use it.

Step 1: Install SnapAll

Head into the Xposed Installer app to search and download "SnapAll." Alternatively, you can download the mod from the Xposed Repository online.

Step 2: Activate the Module

With the module now downloaded, make sure you activate it, then reboot your device to start using it.

Step 3: Use the Mod to "Select All"

The module will not show as an app in your app drawer, as it just adds the feature directly into the official Snapchat app on your device. When you're ready to share a Snap, just tick the new empty box up at the top of the share screen next to the search icon to select all of your contacts in one tap.

Along with selecting all of your contacts, this mod will also allow you to exceed the recipient limit (200). You can disable selecting "My Story" by entering the SnapAll's preferences from Xposed Installer's modules list.

Let us know what you think in the comment section below, and make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more cool mods.

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