How To: Post to Multiple Social Networks at the Same Time on Android

Post to Multiple Social Networks at the Same Time on Android

Since the days of Friendster and MySpace, social media platforms have taken leaps forward, revolutionizing how we live our lives by changing the way we communicate with others. Not only has social media become a catalyst for major uprisings around the world, but on a personal level, it connects people together in ways that were unimaginable even 10 year ago—no one was taking pictures of their brunch to share with the world in 2004.

These days, we're not simply satisfied with one outlet for our updates. Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and more, it can be a pain in the ass to update them all with your news updates and breakfast plates.

If you run a business or just love updating your status often, today I'm going to show you how to post to multiple networks at the same time with one simple app.

Polarbear Is Your Social Media Hub

Polarbear is an app from Andre Weier that'll let you sync multiple social network accounts, compose a post, then share it with all of them at once. It currently supports Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook Profiles and Pages, LinkedIn, Webhooks, and

Step 1: Sign Up for the Beta

The application may eventually come at a cost, but you can get it for free right now by signing up for the beta version. This will also serve to help the developer improve the app.

First, join Polarbear's Google+ Community, then select the link on the page to grab the Google Play link (or go directly to it) and join the beta team.

Step 2: Connect Your Accounts

Open the app and select Connect Accounts to get started. You'll see all the various accounts you can connect to, so select one and authorize your account, then repeat for any others you want to connect.

Polarbear uses the industry-standard OAuth protocol for secure authorization, so there's no fear of them stealing your account information.

Step 3: Start Posting

Open the menu and select the Compose option, then choose the accounts you want to post to—from there, just compose your update and post it.

If you're posting to Twitter, it displays your character count below and will automatically post separate Tweets if you go over the 140-character limit.

My main issue with Polarbear is the scaling of the app—it's just too small and leaves too much empty screen real estate, but as a beta, it does what it's supposed to do and does it well.

I'd like to see the ability to post pictures as well as the inclusion of Instagram to the list of networks. Let us, and the developer, know what you want to see if future versions of the app in the comment section below.

And if you're just interested in posting Facebook status updates and tweets on Twitter, go retro with an IFTTT formula that lets you voicemail them in.

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