How To: YouWish for Android Lets You Create & Share Your Christmas Wish List with Anyone

YouWish for Android Lets You Create & Share Your Christmas Wish List with Anyone

I love the holidays, but man am I sick of receiving oversized sweaters as Christmas presents. As well as people think they know us, their gifts often say otherwise. Instead of stocking up on useless items and articles of clothing you'll never wear, it's high time to create a wish list that's easily sharable amongst family and friends, and it's incredibly easy to do on Android.

Step 1: Get YouWish Wishlist

Packed with Amazon links, product photos and details, as well as a priority system, YouWish Wishlist Gift Registry from developer MobileSentience is the fastest way to build a shopping list for your family and friends to ensure that you get something you actually want.

Step 2: Choose a List Type

Open the app, then select an occasion to begin a new list, and hit the gift icon to add something to it.

Step 3: Add Wish List Items to It

There are three ways to add an item: search for it, scan its barcode, or write the information in yourself. Using the search tool, just type in an item you want and its possible matches, provided by Amazon, will be displayed for your choosing.

After selecting an item, add it to your list, which can then be prioritized by tapping and holding on an item to add a star (or two).

Step 4: Share Your Wish List

When you're done with your list, it's time to share it. Regardless of whether you send it via email or Facebook, your contact(s) will be able to view it on a private webpage that includes a "Buy from Amazon" option, making the whole process incredibly easy. Nobody needs an Android device except you.

YouWish is simple, easy, and idiot-proof for both parties. It sucks to get shitty gifts (yes, it's the thought that counts), but maybe now you'll actually get something you want. The only foreseeable issue is that you might actually get two or three of what you actually want, so I suggest sending different lists to different people.

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