I Just Bought a New S Pen for My Note 3 and if I Press Button It Open Actions Note but I Try to Use It for Writing It Doesn't Work Please Help. ...
Stock Android has come with lock screen widget support for a couple of years now, ever since the days of the first Ice Cream Sandwich build. But for some reason, Samsung decided to remove this feature ...
Auto-correction is a double-edged sword if I ever saw one. It's great because I'd have an abundance of typos without it, yet it's extremely frustrating (and embarrassing) when it doesn't actually work ...
It's a modern day nightmare to accidentally reveal too much information on Facebook. I've inadvertently told the world my location more times than I can laugh off, and my friends haven't fared too wel ...
This video will show you how to clear cache and cookies for faster browsing in Samsung galaxy S5. This will help you to speed up your Samsung galaxy S5 phone for browsing. Watch the video and follow a ...
CyanogenMod is one of, if not the most popular, third-party operating system for Android devices. It's so popular in fact, that it is the standard, out-of-the-box operating system on the recently rele ...
I have the AT&T version of the Galaxy S5, so every time I start my phone I get the pleasure of hearing AT&T's lovely jingle. Actually, that's sarcasm—I absolutely abhor this sound. I haven't had the c ...
While Google would like you to believe that Flash is incompatible on Android KitKat, there is a functional workaround that will get it up and running on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3's gorgeous screen in ...
Summer is here and flocks of people will make their way to beaches, lakes, and rivers across the country. But before heading out to places like these, it's always a good idea to check the local weathe ...